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Methi & Pudina Pulao..;)

Methi(Fenugreek) - Pudina(Mint) leaves Pulao(rice)

Eating roti's every single day also gets pretty boring...and having rice every day is also not that we came up with the rice specials weekend at my place...where we swear to have rice and only rice on the weekend..!!
Anyways...some starch and carbs are also required for our body right..??? well to tell you the truth i have had this ultimate craving for rice for quite sometime and added to it my "B-i-l" turned out to me this morning and said hey why don't you make that methi-pudina pulao today..?? What's more i set out immediately..before anyone could cahnge their minds since this is a very easy peasy preparation.
This is something i learnt from my " Mai"(i.e - mamaji's wife) she's a great cook & a perfectionist in all she does.....the former is something i picked easily from her since i really enjoyed it...and about the latter...well i'm still trying to be as perfect as she is atleast if not perfect - perrrrfect...!!..;)
It's pretty easy peasy and doesn't take long to get ready as well, and being a surprise demand from my brother in law who under any circumstance does not eat any sort of green leafy veggies...(in fact the sort who even doesn't like coriander in his food) was one person who loved this recipe and i prepared this recipe today on his demand...!!(sorry for those who keep wondering why i'm mentioning weekend...well in dubai the weekend begins on Thursday eve and we have fri - sat offs out here).
well guys now to get on with the menu..

  1. Rice: 3 & 1/2 cups ( was well and soak before you start preparation).
  2. Onions: 3 medium sized(sliced lengthwise).
  3. Tomato: 2 Nos(Roughly chopped).
  4. Ginger: 1" pc ( crushed).
  5. Garlic: 6 - 7 pcs(crushed).
  6. Methi Leaves (Fenugreek leaves): 4-5 bunches( if you get small bunches or else you could do with just 2-3 if they are pretty large bunches, cleaned sorted and chopped).
  7. Pudina Leaves (Mint Leaves): 1bunch( just wash & clean, and use no need to chop).
  8. Red Chilly Powder: 2-4 tsp.
  9. Coriander Powder: 2-3 tsp.
  10. Star Anise(a star/ flower shaped spice): 2-3 nos.
  11. Jeera: 1 tsp.
  12. Shahjeera: 1 tsp.
  13. Saunf: 1tsp.
  14. Whole Black pepper: about 10 - 15 nos.
  15. Bay leaves: few.
  16. Regular Cardamom: 3-4 nos.
  17. Big Cardamom: 2 nos.
  18. Cinnamon sticks: 2 pcs of 1"(each).
  19. Cloves: 4 nos.
  20. Vegetable oil( i used olive oil): 5 - 6 Tbsp(if you prefer more you could add more).
  21. Salt: To Taste.
  22. Water: 7  Cups (Use the same cup in which you measured rice for best results).

  • Take a wide bottomed Non - stick pot( if available), add oil allow to heat on medium flame.
  • When the oil is ready add all the spices and bay leaves and allow to splutter, add crushed ginger & garlic and allow to fry well in oil.
  • Now add the Onions until they turn translucent,next add the red chilly powder & coriander powder and mix well.
  • Add the chopped methi & pudina leaves and let it fry well until the raw smell of the leaves is gone. next drain well & add the soaked rice and allow to fry well, next add the chopped tomatoes and allow to soften once tomatoes are nice and soft add Turmeric powder and salt.
  • Reduce the flame and add all the water, stir well allow to boil for a few minutes with lid open until the level of water reduces a bit.
  • Close lid and allow to cook in low/medium  flame.
  • Serve hot & enjoy with raita and pudina chutney.
Ladies give this a try and do let me know....!!


  1. Didi Methi Pulao and Sprouts salad remembers me of my mom she used to make prepare this quite often. Thanks for sharing this recipe, even i can give this a try in my college here.....

  2. Didi Methi pulao & Sprouts salad remembers me of my mom she used to prepare this quite often. Thanks for sharing this recipe didi, i can also give this a try in my college here......


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