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Healthy Sabudana Khichidi

Healthy Sabudana(Sago) Khichdi:

Sabudana Khichdi is just another normal dish of every "North Indian" house hold, but Sabudana or Sago and Tapioca pearls are both used interchangeably in Indian Cooking. A great choice for a light yet filling meal on days of "Ekadasi or any Fast for that matter".

I love the version which mum makes,Often me & dad would be found waiting to pounce on the khichidi (a richer version compared to what i normally make) forget the fast, we just love days of fasting or else we'd not end up having sabudana khichidi..Yummmmmyy!!!!

Many people often confuse Sago with Tapioca pearls but they both belong to completely different sources..While sago comes from the "Sago Palm" the latter i.e. Tapioca pearls come from the tuber's of the Cassava Plant.

Another thing most people don't know is how to differentiate between the both, unfortunately it's difficult to differentiate between both in the shop but at home it's quite simple...after washing the pearls once in cold water ,soak the pearls in hot water(not boiling) such that the water just about reaches the surface of the washed pearls.If it's tapioca pearls they will double in size within about half an hour, while if its sago it will take about 2hrs to double in size.


  1. Sago Pearls - 250 gms (The variety which is about the size of Peppercorns).
  2. Onions - 1 Medium sized(Finely chopped).
  3. Green chillies/Chilly flakes - As per your taste (I normally used chilly flakes).
  4. Split Yellow Moong dal - about 1/4 cup (soak for about 1/2 an hour).
  5. Olive Oil - 2-3 Tbsp.
  6. Jeera - 1tsp.
  7. Coriander Leaves - about 4-5 Springs(for garnishing).
  8. Peanuts(Optional) - 1/2 Cup(Skinless peanuts).
  9. Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tsp.
  10. Salt - To taste.
  • Soak sago pearls overnight, Two hours is normally good enough but over night ensure the pearls swell up and are soft and are completely ready, Drain and add turmeric powder and salt and set aside.
  • Soak Yellow Moong dal(Split) for about 1/2 hour.
  • Take Oil in a Non Stick pan, add Jeera ,Peanuts(Dry Roasted and coarsely powdered, if you don't want it to be heavy or rich then you can omit the peanuts) ,Chilly Flakes, grated ginger, Chopped Onions & allow onions to sauté.
  • Once the onions are nice and translucent or pink in color, drain & add the moong dal and allow it to cook well.
  • Reduce the flame to low(sago often has the temperament of getting stuck into a sticky, gluey mess) and then finally add the sago and mix well with a spatula.
  • Let it cook for about 5 - 7mins without closing the lid.
Your Sabudana Khichidi is ready to serve, don't forget to garnish with coriander leaves before serving.

Serves: 3-4 people.
Cooking Time: 7-10 mins.


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