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Heavenly Devilish..Oatmeal & Walnut Cookies(Eggless)

I'd been wanting to bake cookies since the time i was about 7-8yrs old...but baking always looked like one big task...!! Had seen mum seive, beat and dishup several dishes she learnt from being glued to the Idiot box,or Cookery classes & several from her own experimental disaster's...but as all mum's are my Mum's an awesome cook tooo...!!

But being a vegan most of the time(except those days when i want to pig out on cakes & other bakes....i make it an exception ...(i'm a vegan by choice since childhood;)

Then came days when hubby(unlike me a strict non-vegetarian) was under a "Healthy Eating Spree" all of a sudden it was like i just didn't have anything to cook especially for breakfast's that's when i started out on looking up & cooking up things which come under category "Healthy" most of what i got instantly for breakfast's was from the blog of a school friend of mine Madhuri(Mad's thankx for the ideas they really helped me...!!).

Now when breakfast had just sorted out he suddenly asked for some munchies all of a sudden again i saw after surfing the net on what is best for his body type... i came up with Oatmeal & Walnut cookies... Essentially belonging to a family where we actually "Live to Eat"(can't resist being that way) unlike most who "Eat to Live" i added a bit of dry grapes and butter as well which kinds of add's a richer taste(but this can be added only provided you don't have diabetes). Otherwise please omit dry grapes from your recepie & you could substitute it with Dark Chocolate Chips Known to be rich in Antioxidants which are very beneficial for Diabetics, so the whole combination of Oatmeal, walnuts and Dark Chocolate Chips Makes it perfectly safe for Diabetics to consume.

But lucky me they tasted as Devilishly heavenly as they looked & Hubby deviled upon them leaving me feeling so blissfully satisfied, since hubby's a hard nut to crack & unlike most men the route to his heart is just not through the stomach..!!!


  • Oatmeal(Quick Cook variety) - 1 Cup.
  • Walnuts - 1 Cup.
  • Whole Wheat Flour - 1 Cup.
  • Vegetable Oil(i used Olive Oil) - 3-4 Tbsp(I used about 100gms of Butter instead when i baked the same for my toddler).
  • Honey - 2 tsps(Optional/ diabetics can use the same in moderation).
  • Milk - 3 to 4 tbsp.
  • Brown / White Sugar - 5-6 tbsps (Instead Substitute with sugarfree for diabetics).
  • Raisins/ Dates - 1/2 cup(Optional/ can be substi Dark Chocolate chips for diabetics).
  • Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp.
  • Cinnamon powder - 1/2 tsp(Optional).
  • Baking Powder - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - a pinch.


  • Roast walnuts in a dry roast pan, till you can get the nice aroma of roasted walnuts and cool before coarse grinding them roughly.
  • Roast the Oats until it turns a lil brown and you catch the heavenly aroma and coarse grin after cooling as well add Baking powder, Salt & Cinnamon powder.
  • If using Raisins(or even dates but you may need to chop & pre cook the dates) Soak them in warm water and set aside.If your are a diabetic just use a dash of dark chocolate chips.
  • Blend Oil or butter(for a richer version),Honey(Optional),Milk(full fat/Skimmed completely your choice),Vanilla essence,& Sugar(choose the type of your choice) together along with all the dry ingredients,Mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Knead the dough and cut out small pieces and roll them into small balls you will get about 10-18 depending on the size.Press the balls between your palms and flatten them lightly.
  • Arrange them on a baking paper and place them about 2" apart and ensure you bake them in the center of the oven so they can brown evenly at about 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Cool & Store in Air Tight container.
Preparation Time: About 10mins.
Baking Time: 10-15mins.

Wullah Delicious Heavenly Devilish Cookies are screaming out to the devil in me...;)who can resist such crumbly cookies..???


  1. The cookies look absolutely delish! Keep them coming :) Oh, and thanks so much for mentioning me. I'm glad the breakfast ideas helped!
    Best luck with the brand new blog Shruthi! Another one bites the dust!! Welkommen :)

    Loadza Luv & Hugs

  2. Hey Mads,

    Thanks so much for your encouraging try my cookies and keep me posted...;)

    Loadz of Luv,


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