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Sprouted Ragi,Moong,Wheat & Almonds Porridge for kids

Sprouted Ragi, Sprouted Moong,Sprouted Wheat & Almonds all make a complete whole meal for babies above six months.
Even adults could use this as a health drink, well about the health benefits of ragi are widely known or rather better known as finger millets they turn out to be the best source  of carbohydrates,proteins,and  a whole bunch of vitamins for children & when accompanied with moong, wheat & almonds, well what can i say...??
Almost every south indian household makes this after the birth of a child, & since I've lived almost all my life in South india(Bangalore), this was done in my place too...when i delivered my daughter... ( actually south or north india how does it really matter what matters is, is this good for my child, if yes what's wrong in adapting to it...??) .
Ragi is a little filling for young babies hence it is always advised to feed them during the day so it can be well digested, but, some people also suggest that if you feed ragi in the night the child may sleep longer since their tummy feels full...psst:...( but this trick didn't work out in my case, my daughter turned out smarter and woke up her usual time at dawn...just when the sun is out and slowly trying to crawl up the sky...;).
The recipe is a little tedious, but for those who feel they cannot cope with it then you can simply pick up Ragi kids food packs from namdhari's, or ragi malt from any general departmental store. 
Well to get on with the recipe:
Ingredients for the powder:
  1. Ragi(finger millets):100gms.
  2. Green moong:100gms.
  3. Wheat: 100 gms.
  4. Almonds whole: 100gms.
Method to make powder:
  • Wash Ragi,Moong & wheat thoroughly after cleaning(separately), then keep wet ingredients closed in an air tight container for 2 - 3 days until they sprout.
  • Shade dry the sprouted ragi,moong & wheat.
  • Dry roast the almonds make powder and keep aside.
  • Once the ragi,moong & wheat are completely dry  then dry roast them lightly until you can smell the roasted aroma of the respective.
  • Cool and powder them in a mixer grinder and mix along with almonds powder and sieve 2 -3 times.
  • Store powder in an air tight jar/ can be stored for up to 4 - 6 months. 
Ingredients for porridge:
  1. Sprouted Ragi,moong, wheat & almonds powder: 2 -3 Tbsp.
  2. Ghee/clarified butter: 1 Tbsp.
  3. Milk(the formula milk you use to feed the child also can be used here): 1/4 cup.
  4. Water: 1/2 cup.
  5.  Jaggery/sugar of your choice for your child: 2 -3 tsp.(will be better if this can be taken to taste of your child, some children love it sweeter and some love it less sweet.)
  • Take 2 - 3 tbsp of ragi in a small cup & mix in 1/4 cup of water, set aside.
  • Bring the remaining cup of water to boil and slowly add the ragi mixed in water to the boiling water while you stir continuously to avoid formation of lumps.
  • Continue stirring ,you will notice the mixture becoming thicker, now add milk while you stir continuously & then add jaggery to the mixture and allow to mix  cook well.
  • Keep on low flame for about 5 mins, cool to desirable temperature,add ghee and feed your child. 
  • You could even use dried grapes and almonds or pistas or cashews for garnish or toppings but my daughter loves it just plain and simple.
Cooking Time: 5 - 10 mins.
Do try this & lemme know....Hope you lil sunshine enjoy's this one...!!


  1. Exact recipe how we prepare at home. Thank u

  2. Hi.. My baby is 6months old I need to sieve the powder?

    1. Yes Jyoti, please do sieve the powder!

    2. In fact I have mentioned in the recipe,that it's required to be seived 2-3 times.

  3. hi Shruti.. when u started this porridge for ue baby?

  4. Hi Mona, I started feeding my baby once my child turned 6months old, until then she was satisfied with just breastfeeding, the idea is to start this only when breast milk alone doesn't fill their tummies.... that's your hint to start semi solid food!!

    1. did u give as first food.. can i start with this

    2. I started with rice starch and dal n veggie broths, post that I started with this in a thin form and then in the right consistency!!

  5. Sprouts are mainly the germinated seeds of the grains and we also call them ‘Ankurwali Dal’. These sprouts are considered as a super food as it does wonders to the body as it contains high nutrition value. Sprouts provide a lot of benefits to our body and purification of blood is the one main point. Eating sprouts not only benefit our internal body but also provides amazing benefits to the outer parts as well because sprouts are really very good for hairs and skin as well. Collectively Sprouts contains a number of health benefits but while talking about the Wheat Sprouts Benefits it might make you wonder how to make them and the benefits that wheat sprouts may provide. These are basically made from whole grains and have a nutty and slightly sweet flavor and you can eat these by adding them in a variety of dishes. They add a different taste to the dish and moreover increase the nutritional value of the dish. So, this is a wonder food that one can easily get in their homes and can easily include in their diet.


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