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Broccoli & Carrot Stuffed Parantha (Pictorial Step by step)

Hmmm...Heavenly smell of Parantha's sets a different mood in the whole household,people automatically begin looking like "Jerry mouse" of Tom & Jerry fame who goes weak in the knees with the heavenly smeel of Cheese, jeeezzzz.....!!!
Mom goes frantic when it's parantha day at my place, coz she seldom gets a chance to even sit and eat a hot parantha with all that luxury of parantha's coming straight from the tawa/Ladle straight  to her plate...'s more of an imaginative visual experience for her or rather the halucination she goes through...especially when she see's most women her age being served by their bahu's...!!
Mom's moment of glory is yet to arrive in say hmmmm...about 10-15yrs from now since my brother is just 14 yrs old now...;( tough luck yet mom...then she takes in a deep breath sighing says " Mera Number Kab Ayega..??"(Meaning: When will my turn to sit and have 3 meals with peace & be served come...?? well mom don't you worry once in a while i could help you with that luxury when i come Adjust Maadi...!!
Anyway's"Stuffed parantha", originally a punjabi dish, most people have no clue what so ever to make it in the right method so here's a pictographical tutorial of " How to make Great Stuffed Parantha's" and since i concentrate on the health quotient today we make "Broccoli & carrot stuffed Parantha's" c'mon people lets get on with the recipe while my little one's fast asleep..;)
Dough making is not very difficult but make sure the you do not add oil to the dough while mixing it...!!

What goes in for the dough:
  1. Whole wheat flour: 2 cups.
  2. Salt: 1/4 Tsp.
  3. Water: enough to mix the dough(add little by little so you don't end up messing the dough).
Take the wheat flour in a wide bowl,add salt and mix water little by little and make dough stiff enough yet soft (just ensure the dough is soft and does not stick to the walls of the bowl anymore).

After mixing the dough when you feel it's done, just cover and set aside so the dough softens and sets well, this will ensure you have lovely soft parantha's or even phulka's for that matter...!!

What Goes in for the Stuffing:
  1. Broccoli: 1 small floret.
  2. Carrot: 1 no(medium sized).
  3. Jeera: 1 Tsp.
  4. Black Pepper: Freshly crushed: 1 Tsp / As per your taste.
  5. Salt: 1/4 tsp / To taste(remember you have added 1/4 tsp in the dough as well so just ensure you don't add too much).
  6. Oil: 1 - 2 Tbsp.
Grate the carrots & broccoli and stir fry in a small wok/kadai with 1 or even 1/2 tsp oil if in a non stick wok as shown.

While the vegetables are cooking ,make small 2" balls out of the dough and roll to the size of a poori with a rolling pin:

Now Place 1 - 2 table spoons of the stuffing which is now ready on to the center of the rolled dough and make a pouch out of it to seal it with the dough itself as shown in the images.

Make a pouch with filling and seal as shown:

After sealing the dough, dust it with some dry flour and roll it again, carefully enough not to press & break the pouch or else you might end up breaking & pouring the complete filling out, follow as shown & carefully place on the tawa:

Carefully place on the tawa or hot pan to cook on medium flame, once the parantha turns slightly dark in colour you may grease it lightly & then turn it over to cook on the other side as shown:

Once done on both sides, Serve hot with a dollop of Butter( for kids),Yogurt or Mangoes or even side dip of yours...;), Enjoy the Parantha yourself and i'm sure your kids will enjoy them too...;).


  1. really great Shru!.i am going to try it. Just a suggestion (from a food technologist!). To keep the nutritive value, don't stir fry it before stuffing.Anyway it'll get baked when you are making the parantha.Smells yummy dera. Reg mom don;t worry we are there. I'll make it for her next time she is home. Ask mom to start enjoying life and stop being such a good bahu/bhabhi. Anyways we love her, always. Love you bhabhi.thankyou for being so sweeeeet always.

  2. Hey Masi,
    Thanks for visiting me on Traditional Secret's,will definitely try baking it straight on the tawa on mind when i cook this one next time..;)Suggestions from food technologist's & from all people connected plus long time mommie's/granny's are always awaited on my website do visit us often & do buzz me once you've tried it..;)

  3. Hey Shanthi,

    Thanks so much this is really encouraging...i'll try and do more step by step, just that my toddler refrains me from doing elaborate posts i feel such descriptions really help learner's in doing it right..!!

    it was not only innovative but yummy tooo...try it...& do drop by more often I'd love to see more of you around...;)



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The Muggle Mommy

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