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Showing posts from 2010

Basic Eggless WWF Loaf Cake..;)

Basic Eggless WWF Sponge Loaf Cake..;) A Confession : Though I've been baking for quite sometime now,i must confess a basic sponge cake was more a matter of luck in my "cake"...Oops...sorry "case"..!!  I would go on and on like mom always very rightly said "Try try never say die... " i kept trying until i continued to succeed(psst: just to ensure i'm doing it perfectly right)..!!  Finally I've succeeded & so proud to shout it out loud to the world...i managed to bake the most "Mmmm..moist Eggless WWF Sponge Cake"...). It's been such a hit at my place that I've already baked it thrice in 3days in a row (I swear i'm just not exaggerating one bite..sorry bit..;) and also tried my new experiment "Basic Eggless WWF-Oatmeal & Chocolate Loaf Cake"...Well that recipe will follow soon though..!! Baking a cake always takes me through the nostalgia of school days where we learnt the famous nursery rhyme "

Apple-Saffron-Semolina Porridge for kids..;)

"Pease Porridge Hot.., Add caption  Pease porridge Cold..,  Pease  Porridge in the pot... Nine day's old..!! Some like it hot.., Some like it cold...., Some like it in the Pot..Nine day's Old..!!!"   A nursery Rhyme i'm sure most of us remember..from our Nursery Day's...The Origin still remain's Anon...but the earliest version of the same was found in John Newbery's - Mother Goose's Melody's( c. 1760's..!!) . Well back to Porridge's & puddings...My Daughter.." Anushka" turned 18 month's old(Ha ha...sounds more like i'm speaking about an 18 year old isn't it..?? well i always remind myself That day also will come..!!) and she's turned pretty fussy as an eater,& suddenly..all her favs in "food" have suddenly taken an about turn which anyway's means more brain racking session's for me...!! But obvious she's only a child and has a curious mind which wants to discover more and

Low Fat WholeWheat-Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Having my dearest MIL & FIL over for a visit @ my place, i thought i'd give them a lil taste of my baking addiction, in fact i've been itching for almost over a month & a half to get my hands on my owen...Boy - O - Boy was i happy....Baking makes my heart skip a couple of beats with happines...!! With Chocolate & Biscuit being a new addition to my trilingual 18 month old's awesomely mixed up, yet growing dictionary i decided to give her a healthy dose of a combination of what she's been eagerly wanting to eat just all of other than what is called Healthy food for a child of her age...& as a cherry on top she has her Paternal Grandparent's spoiling her to the G, what more could she ask for...?? anything you name she has it before she "SCREAM'S " her lungs out ...!! So much so i am seriously giving a thought of putting her on to a play school ASAP...and drive in some discipline into the lil Brat...!!! Well chocolate always send's

Loneliness Is....

A picture of a Lone Sunken boat @ Kerela close to AJ's ancestral home I happened to come across an article (by anon) i read while i was whining to myself about my hubby not being doubt unlike other hubby's AJ travels a lil more often and frequently..due to business  of course...!! And when it's due to business obviously it's unavoidable..and me and my 18month old are often left alone at home...this time though we have her paternal grandparents over for a good 2 month's..!! But coming to think of it i always felt Loneliness Kill's...but my perspective changed a 1000th fold after reading this, I felt I must share this with all of course with a few thought's of my own as well ..... Read on people..... Loneliness is something you cannot share.....The more i look around me, the more I am amazed at the way we are isolating & insulating ourselves from each other. We do not talk to our friend sitting next to us, we tend to SMS someone far aw

Healthy Wholewheat Strawberry Muffins

Strawberries are a very common sight at my place since the time my daughter turned 11 months old...somehow it turns out to be her "fav" in fruits. I'd been bored of giving her strawberries in the same form and have long been wanting to try a new way of feeding it to her in a more nutritious form, and bingo what could have been better that strawberry muffins...she had loved the version of carrot & orange & wholewheat & oats muffins which was my last muffin i tried something similar but with lil variations in the recipe. The great thing about this fruit is that it is great even for diabetics,apart from children..;) Often i've heard that strawberries are "Superstars" when it comes to "Anti-Oxidant" Power. As per studies a 1 Cup of Strawberries gives you a whopping 140 percent of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. Strawberries are also said to be packed with Flavonoids(2 in particular).called quercetin and

"Color Splashed -Veggie Delight Vermicelli Upma"

Vermicelli Upma has been my Fav since childhood....i like just dote on this one(a famous south indian speciality)...;) when it came to introducing it to my daughter i was a bit nervous...!! " Will she like it as much as i do"[ Pssst: Makes life simpler when majority at home loves one dish..;) hope hubby is not reading this line..Whooops...... i spilled the beans;)..] She had proved me wrong on several occasions and all through everyone would say...she follows her dad...Mmmmarrrghhh...the amount of jealousy would be like tones of oil added to a forest which is already burning mad...!!(Kidding...i'm happy she takes after him on most things since he's a picky but healthy eater..!!). Well on this one she surprised me...was i glad to see her eat it happily...Oh you bet i am...i loaded it with veggies to make it look more appealing to her lil twinkling eyes...and as the twinkled i had myself all sparkling & beaming with utmost happiness and joy...!! A very

"No Fuss - Rice Cups" aka " Phare"

Steamed Rice Cups..;) Yet another day.....yet another worry....the biggest of all worries being "What will me toddler eat without any fuss today...??" Yes the stress is on the word "FUSS"...terrifying almost every mother on the face of this one lil 4 letter word.."FUSS"...!!! This was just another day where i was racking my brains on what to feed her...she'd been sick for the past few days...and as we all know it's terrible to even attempt to wander around a sick child....& if your talking about food...gawd help you....!! Well this is one simple recipe which i've eaten in years at my place...easy, simple and yummy for kids...;) Rice Cups or Phare Recipe: What goes in: Rice Flour - 1 Cup. Jeera - 1 Tsp. Pepper - Coarsely ground - 1/2 Tsp. Fresh Grated Coconut - 1 or 2 Tbsp. Oil/Ghee - 1 Tsp. Salt - To Taste. How to Put it in together: Take about 1/2 Cup of water and bring to boil, now reduce the flame to Si

100% Low-Fat Walnut & Oatmeal Brownie's..;)

Walnut Brownies have been my "Fav" since College...we'd get real yummy walnut brownies, and i'd load myself with them every time i'd go there...!! That's where my first love for brownies began....& the bhaiya there would even tempt me by asking shall i pour some hot chocolate sauce on this and i would never say no...!! "AJ" (Ajish my hubby) who has always been health conscious...would always say I've put on weight every single time he visited me from Dubai....& I'd say" Bhai Khate-peete ghar se hoon" so.. thoda tagdi tho lagoongi naah!!(for those who didn't follow hindi means: well i belong to a well to do family who eats rich food and that's what is showing on me...!!(A rather lame or common excuse from those who are lazy enough not to exercise even for 15mins a day). Well all the laziness vanished out of me after my daughter was born...she is a complete disciplinarian to me every thing need to happen on

+Crumbly & Soft Oatmeal & Peanut Butter Cookies..;)

This one's going to Priya'sVersatile Recipies: Cooking with Seeds - Peanuts event.This is My first time ever in any Event..;P I had been feeling awfully lazy to get back to work after two days of bliss-full rest(since i had taken ill...poor hubby(psst let's call him "AJ" for short..!!) really looked after me like i was a baby... and i enjoyed all that attention) but today was back to reality i had to get going...After somehow pushing through the morning.....i lazily grabbed the door of the refrigerator at about 3 in the afternoon,soon as my daughter fell asleep, thinking god knows how much small leftovers the fridge is filled with..lemme first get them and do something about it i calculated y moves,but when i opened the refrigerator...since i kind of have the habit of checking on the expiry dates of an assortment of different bottles with mayo,cheese spreads, sauces  etc, etc which are my co-sis's favorites, for take away's.(She needs to leav

Let Them Eat Cup Cakes...Put The Carrots On Top now...;)

When it comes to getting your toddler to eat healthy food yet something that looks more like what all other children buy from the supermarket & eat...well "healthy carrot muffins", there couldn't be a better answer at least for the moment when i don't have too much time to cook , for kids who are naughtier & families who are naughtier.... what could be a better idea than this...?? The most important part was that each yummy cupcake contains about 1/2 a serving of veggies,without the frosting, plus healthy enough for your child to have them every day. It took off really cool & everybody ate the cupcakes as if they had never tasted something like this actually they had never tasted something like this...!! As the carrot cup cakes baked in my oven the sweet aroma of carrots filled the house, the great thing was that it took only about 20-25 mins to get them all done...hmmmm...smells heavenly...!! well try it, I'm sure you will have the same opinion