Basic Eggless WWF Sponge Loaf Cake..;) A Confession : Though I've been baking for quite sometime now,i must confess a basic sponge cake was more a matter of luck in my "cake"...Oops...sorry "case"..!! I would go on and on like mom always very rightly said "Try try never say die... " i kept trying until i continued to succeed(psst: just to ensure i'm doing it perfectly right)..!! Finally I've succeeded & so proud to shout it out loud to the world...i managed to bake the most "Mmmm..moist Eggless WWF Sponge Cake"...). It's been such a hit at my place that I've already baked it thrice in 3days in a row (I swear i'm just not exaggerating one bite..sorry bit..;) and also tried my new experiment "Basic Eggless WWF-Oatmeal & Chocolate Loaf Cake"...Well that recipe will follow soon though..!! Baking a cake always takes me through the nostalgia of school days where we learnt the famous nursery rhyme " ...
What's up muggles!!! I'm a Muggle Mommy of two Harry Potter addicts. Let's Chat up, share, say what you feel and think, we can speak about just anything we feel, hear or want to say or do, also somewhere at times I share Generations of simple recipes passed down to me with load's of secret's within...;) Thanks for stopping by. Lots of Love, The Muggle Mommy