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Low Fat WholeWheat-Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Having my dearest MIL & FIL over for a visit @ my place, i thought i'd give them a lil taste of my baking addiction, in fact i've been itching for almost over a month & a half to get my hands on my owen...Boy - O - Boy was i happy....Baking makes my heart skip a couple of beats with happines...!!
With Chocolate & Biscuit being a new addition to my trilingual 18 month old's awesomely mixed up, yet growing dictionary i decided to give her a healthy dose of a combination of what she's been eagerly wanting to eat just all of other than what is called Healthy food for a child of her age...& as a cherry on top she has her Paternal Grandparent's spoiling her to the G, what more could she ask for...?? anything you name she has it before she "SCREAM'S " her lungs out ...!!

So much so i am seriously giving a thought of putting her on to a play school ASAP...and drive in some discipline into the lil Brat...!!!
Well chocolate always send's in a sense of powerful guilt after an utterly awesome and extremely immense feeling of powerless-ness while having these heavenly goodies..!! I was inspired by Traditional Oatmeal cookies on & decided to however just making a small attempt to try and make ourselves feel less guilt with a few changes here & there..!!

Also can be treated as and awesome serve warm cookie after school or a great treat to get packed away in your kids lunch box, however if you prefer to omit chocolate chips, i'd suggest raisins which go equally well or you could even experiment with even equal amount's of both... they taste divine..!!

Here goes people let's get on with the recipe...:

Low-Fat WholeWheat & Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies:

What goes in:

  1. 1Cup: WholeWheat Flour.
  2. 1/2 Cup:Quick cooking Oats.
  3. 2/3Cup: Firmly packed Sugar.
  4. 1/3Cup: Olive Oil.
  5. 1No:Egg,lightly beaten.
  6. 1/2Cup:Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips(you could use 1/4 + 1/4 of raisins and chocolate chips if you wish to).
  7. 1Tsp: Baking Powder.
  8. 1/2 Tsp: Vanilla  Essence.
  9. 1Pinch:Salt.
How to Put it in Together:

  • Preheat your oven to 350 Degrees.
  • Line two cookie sheets with parchment paper or silicone mats.
  • Whisk in the baking powder,Olive Oil,salt,Vanilla essence, Sugar & Egg in a large bowl and beat lightly for about 5 minutes.
  • Gradually stir in the flour,followed by oats and finally fold in the chocolate chips slowly and carefully into the mixture.
  • Carefully make balls and lightly press on your palm to form into the shape of a cookie & place 2 inches apart.
  • Bake cookies for about 12-15 minutes, until golden brown, cool for a couple of minutes and then transfer onto wire racks to cool completely.  
Serves: About15-18 cookies, depending on the size.

Preparation time: 10-12 minutes.
Cooking time: 12-15 minutes.


  1. @Priya: Thanks priya...I must say you have a lovely blog and a very innovative collection of recipes...;).
    @Satya: Hey Satya: so gud to have heard from you after a long keep visiting..!!

  2. Congratulations on a great blog. The cookies look delicious. We have had the pleasure of reviewing "Biny's Recipes" and I'm pleased to inform you that your blog has been included to Indian Cooking Blogs at

    Thank you for sharing your blog with us and the many readers of our blog directory. You can also submit recipes to Indian Cooking Blogs to drive traffic to your blog. Keep up the great work and we look forward to your future post.

    Team at Indian Cooking Blogs


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