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Basic Eggless WWF Loaf Cake..;)

Basic Eggless WWF Sponge Loaf Cake..;)
A Confession:Though I've been baking for quite sometime now,i must confess a basic sponge cake was more a matter of luck in my "cake"...Oops...sorry "case"..!! 
I would go on and on like mom always very rightly said "Try try never say die... " i kept trying until i continued to succeed(psst: just to ensure i'm doing it perfectly right)..!! 
Finally I've succeeded & so proud to shout it out loud to the world...i managed to bake the most "Mmmm..moist Eggless WWF Sponge Cake"...).
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man 1 - WW Denslow - Project Gutenberg etext 18546.jpgIt's been such a hit at my place that I've already baked it thrice in 3days in a row (I swear i'm just not exaggerating one bite..sorry bit..;) and also tried my new experiment "Basic Eggless WWF-Oatmeal & Chocolate Loaf Cake"...Well that recipe will follow soon though..!! Baking a cake always takes me through the nostalgia of school days where we learnt the famous nursery rhyme " PAT A CAKE - PAT A CAKE BAKER'S MAN...;) 

Well without exaggerating more now let's get on with the recipe...Originally i tried this one from Madhuri's Blog...but with a few small changes of my own..!! Thank's turned out reeaaally moist...!! Also the best thing being that you just couldn't figure out there is curd in this amazingly soft,& absolute take away piece of yummilicious sponge...!!

Basic Eggless WWF Loaf Cake Recipe..:

What Goes Inside:

  • 1 & 1/2Cup: Whole Wheat Flour.
  • 3/4th Cup: Sugar( i used a little lesser,since that was just right for me).
  • 1 & 1/4th Tsp: Baking Powder.
  • 1/4th Tsp: Baking Soda.
  • 1Pinch: Salt.
  • 1Cup: Thick Curd.
  • 1/2Cup: Cooking Oil(I used Olive, about 30ml lesser than 1/2 a cup in fact).
  • 1/2 Tsp: Vanilla Essence.
  • 30Ml: Fresh Orange Juice(i used this to keep the moisture & also to reduce the same amount Oil in the recipe).
How to put it in together:
  1. Preheat the oven at 200C/400F, Grease a 7" x 4" (standard sized) Loaf pan with unsalted butter or oil & set aside.
  2. In a large bowl stir in the Curd & Sugar until sugar dissolves completely,add Baking Powder,Baking soda & set aside for about 5 minutes,the mixture will start to bubble, rise & increase in volume.
  3. Meanwhile Sieve the flour at least thrice & set aside.
  4. Add Vanilla essence.Fresh Orange Juice & Oil to the curd mixture and fold in very gently, Stir verry gently with a lot of love & TLC(TENDER LOVING CARE) So the air in the mixture is not lost.
  5. Gently fold in the Whole Wheat Flour into the curd mixture, ensure the mixture has a slow dropping consistency.
  6. Pour the mixture into the readied loaf-pan & bake in the preheated oven for 10 minutes at 200C.
  7. Decrease the temperature to 180C after 10 minutes and Bake for 45-50 minutes(Since i used a Gas oven it took me exactly 50minutes to get the toothpick test clean).
  8. Once the toothpick test comes out clean,Gently brush the top of the loaf gently with milk and stick the pan back into the oven for about 3-4 minutes into the oven and you will achieve that amazing glazed loaf and a great shade of brown and you'll just want to dig- your -teeth into it once you get one look of this..!!
  9. Once done remove from the oven and allow the pan to cool on the wire rack for about 10 minutes,then upturn the loaf out of the pan and allow to cool on the wire rack until its completely cooled down..!
  10. Once fully cooled slice the loaf with a loaf knife(serrated knife) and take your diggggg...;_).



  1. @pRIYA: hEY Thanks about the cake, do give it a try and let me know..;)
    @Gayathri: gud to hear from you...yup the cake not only looked yum, it tasted gr8 as well do give it a try and let me know..;)

  2. Congrats Shruthi...on ur fist eggless cake...gr8 looks ymmy i must say.
    cu again.

  3. hey, hope u r fine....waitg for the next secret recipe...

  4. hey nice blog gal..i also love cooking..followin u check out mine..

  5. Looks really interesting, I love your recipes

  6. Looks really good. I am drooling now.

  7. @Losty: Hey thanks i betcha this one's as good as it looks try it..;)

  8. I tried this out just now! I used maida instead of WWF, and litchi juice instead of orange juice, and a teeny bit of ghee as i didnt have enough oil and i baked them in cupcake moulds...DELICIOUS!! so flavorful...and so so so soft and spongy!! thanks!

  9. @The Queen Bee: I'm really glad you loved this, believe me this one's a turns out just as perfect every single time you make it....there's just no two ways about it...;P


  10. Hello Shruthi
    Just happen to step into your blog & must say you have some interesting innovations here..! I do try a lot of cake recipes & have tried with WWF too but I notice that the cake tastes bitter after a day ..when you use WWF . Did you even feel the same? BUT regardless of that, I am definitely going to try this one today & will let you know how it turned out..

  11. @Sandhya: Hi sandhya, Thanks for dropping by and going thru my recipes,sandhya about WWF fortunately my experience with WWF has been gud only fact being we must follow the recipe carefully and all will be well..!!Good luck anyways..;P.

  12. HI Shruthi
    Okay finally I tried your cake & let me say it in one word "SUPPPPEEERRRR" I guess the yoghurt froth with BP & BS did the magic...
    What I did was : divided the cake into 2 parts & on one part I added tutti-frutti & the other part I added zest of 1 lemon & juice of 1/2 lemon..
    WOW both of them tasted 'YUM YUM YUM!!' this is my best tasting healthy cake so far!! Thank you so much time I will try variations keeping this as a base & keep you posted
    Thanks again..wonderful it tasted just like the condensed milk cake my mom used to make...


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