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+Green PeasPulao / Matar Pulao(One Pot Meal...;)

Matar/Green Peas Pulao(One Pot Meal):

Weekend's somehow make me feel weak in the knees to eat rice...i feel really bored to have roti's & dosas the whole week through..!! My versatile pallets and the stomach who's used to eat variety from mom screams out and demands more variety on the weekends. However though a weekday today i broke the usual rules and cooked up my favorite "Matar Pulao" which doesn't take much time as well as it's not too much  of a labor, since it all goes in one pot and pressure cook cool and serve, so i don't need to even wash too many dishes, so last night's dinner was Green Peas Pulao, Karnataka style with a slight variation for the sake of good health..;P

What goes Inside:
  • 1Cup: Basmati Rice(i used Basmati, since this is what i can acquire here easily ) or normal cooking rice of your choice.
  • Spices: As per your taste you may add or delete the same(Cinnamon sticks+Green Cardamom+Cloves+Cumin/Jeera seeds+Fennel/Saunf Seeds+Star Anis/Marathi Moggu).
  • 1 Tsp :Dhaniya/Corriander powder.
  • 1/2Tsp: Red Chilly powder.
  • 1/2 Cup: Fresh or frozen Green peas.
  • 1 Big Onion: Roughly diced.
  • 2-3 Green chillies: Vertically Slit.
  • 1Tomato: Med Sized, Roughly Diced. 
  • 1"Ginger piece: Roughly diced.
  • 3-4Garlic pods: Roughly diced,(3-4 if you are using chinese garlic pods if your using the indian one where the pods are much smaller you may require about 8-10pods).
  • Kasuri Methi: a few pinches for seasoning and flavour.
  • Turmeric: a pinch.
  • Salt: To Taste.
  • 2-3 Tbsp:Vegetable/Refined Oil: I used Olive, you can use any one of your choice.
  • 1Rice Cooker.
  • 2 Cups: Boiling Water.(you can replace water with 2 cups of fresh or store bought coconut milk if you desire).
How to put it in together:

  1. Wash the Rice thoroughly and set aside. Keep 2 cups of water on another burner or in a kettle to boil.   
  2. Pour the oil in Rice cooker and once heated add the spices beginning with Cinnamon sticks,Cardamom,cloves,Star Anis and a little bit of Fennel seeds.
  3. Now add the Chopped ginger, garlic,green chilies and the diced onion and saute it, once the onion turns transparent add the green peas and allow to fry well, add coriander powder and chilly powder and cook well, stirring every now and then so nothing sticks inside.
  4. Now add the washed rice and turmeric and let it fry well.
  5. Add desired amount of salt, mix well.
  6. Add the tomatoes and allow them to soften well and turn slightly pulpy.     
  7. Finally add the water one cup at a time and stir well and allow to come to a boil.      ( for those who would love to authenticate this recipe you may replace 2 cups of coconut milk instead of water, keeping in mind on the calorie count i decided to go for water, but it's okay to cheat at times and indulge in the amazing aromas the concoction of spices with coconut milk sends).
  8. Close the rice cooker and allow it to cook for 10mins on simmer and 5minutes on Med-High flame. or like people do in India normally 3-4 whistles on the rice pressure cooker and allow cooker to cool.
  9. Serve how along with thick curd or mint chutney or Curd salads/pachdi's.
P.S: Apologies about the pictures but since i did not have my usual camera with me i was forced to take pics with my Mobile, hope to get better shots the next time i cook this and replace them..;P.


  1. Delicious pulao!!!
    Prathima Rao
    Prats Corner

  2. Awesome writeup and pulao. BTW, pictures are only the attracting factors where your recipes stands forever. Keep going dear!


  3. @Prats & Mon: Thanks so much for dropping by, do give this a try and post in a review..;).

  4. @Uma: Thanks a ton, your words were very encouraging and motivating...Thanks again for dropping by..;P.

  5. Hi, i hav cooked dis dis so easy n too good..!!

  6. Diii, this came out really good and yummy :) my mom and dad loved it too. Thnx for this

  7. awesome .....!!

  8. Govindankutty NambiarSeptember 18, 2011 at 3:03 AM

    wonderful bete! But how to taste it without troubling my wife?

  9. @GovindanKutty Nambiar: Dad...!! Come over i will cook all what you like everyday for you..;P.

  10. @Bharath: I'm glad you gave dis a try, and more happier that it turned out gud and everyone liked it..;P.Thanks..!!

  11. Love this one pot meal, looks very delicious.

  12. delicious looking meal wonderful pulao

  13. hii.. Nice Post

    Thanks for sharing

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  14. mouthwatering...

  15. Amazing the visit was worth…

  16. classic…

  17. This is really interesting…

  18. Looks yummy..........

  19. Brilliant stuff!

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  21. looks Yumm..You have a great space here.. Glad to follow you :)

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