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+Fresh Cream Pineapple Pastry*Tried N Tested*

Happy birthday to my darling daughter"Anushka"(well this one's coming over six months late...been quiet busy)...we celebrated Anushka's first birthday in a very simple manner unlike everyone else, at an ashram(orphanage) in kerela, well actually a home for the mentally challenged and we celebrated it among all of them..and when it was time for the 2nd birthday i was pretty much in two mind's as to whether we should have a party or not(since she was very small and would never understand a birthday)...then i came across this article on the babycenter website and they said...just so the child could understand the fact that she/he is special and at the same time not to overwhelm a child as lil as a 2yr must try and keep the party a very short affair and whatever the number of the birthday = that many children and that's exactly what we just did..!!
We were just 2 i decided to cook the party meal myself but as for my hubby he felt i must instead just chill and we order the stuff...instead i decided only to do the veggies and the main course plus the dessert, he could go ahead and order just the non-veg dishes plus roti's ..all this while we never thought of the Cake...the main requirement for the event...and just 4-5 days before the birthday as i was speaking to my mum,something in me said "pop" and i came up with the a sudden idea of making pastry for my baby's the confusion was between....a fresh cream pineapple and a chocolate-mocha-ganache a...well finally i just decided on baking both, since the party was on the weekend while my daughter's birthday was actually just a day before the weekend i decided to have one on her actual birthday and the 2nd on the day of the party...;). Well what came up on the actual birthday was this...

Fresh Cream Pineapple Pastry Recipe:
Now that we've baked our perfect sponge, which is a really Classic version as shown in my earlier post, we move on to the next level by loathing it with loads of yummy whipped cream and adorn it with pineapples and cherries...wullah you have an amazingly juicy,soft and melt in the mouth Fresh Cream Pineapple Pastry. No one can ever get this classic combo of pineapple and cream wrong ever ever...Never....ENJOY..!!

Fresh Cream Pineapple Pastry:
What goes inside:
  • 1No: Sponge Cake
  • Pineapple Syrup. 
  • 2Cups: Whipped Cream*(I used Dream Whip's Non-Dairy Whipping Cream) S
  • 1 Tin: Canned Pineapple(I used Del Monte's,dice them).
  • 2-3 Tablespoons Powdered Sugar: To be added to the pineapple syrup from the can since the syrup from the can would be very tart already.

  • Sponge Cake: Prepare the Sponge Cake as directed in the linked recipe, And while it's cooling, Use the time to prepare the Sugar Syrup and Whipped Cream.

  • Pineapple Syrup/Sugar Syrup: The syrup from 1 Tinned Canned Pineapple OR even Home made sugar syrup* can be used instead.

  • *Home made sugar syrup:This makes just about more than a cup,Its just enough for a 6 inch to really dunk well.
  • 1 Cup: Powdered Sugar.
  • 2 Cups: Water.
  1. Combine the mixture of Powdered Sugar and water, bring to boil. When the sugar dissolves completely,remove the pan from heat, and chill before using. Simple isn't it..??

  • Whipped Cream: Since the whipped cream i used was already sweetened so i didn't have to add any sugar and whip to form stiff peaks for those of you who don't get sweetened whipped cream, here's how we do it from scratch*


  • 3 Tbsp:Powdered (Confectioner's) sugar.
  • 1 +1/2 Cup: Chilled, Heavy/Whipping Cream.
  • 1 Tsp: Vanilla Extract(Optional).
  1. in a deep bottomed mixing bowl, combine the Whipped/Heavy Cream,Confectioner's Sugar and Vanilla Extract (if using).
  2. Whip them on Med-High Speed until it forms stiff peaks.

(Psst: Ensure you chill the heavy/whipping cream for at least 8-10 hours before you whip it, also do not forget to chill the bowl and the whipping blades which you plan to use, in the refrigerator for a minimum of 2-3hours prior to using it,stainless steel is believed to work best for this).

How to put it in together:Moving on to Assembling:

  1. After having the whipped cream ready,Now place the Cooled cake on a flat surface, and using a serrated knife cut the cake with careful sawing motion into even layers.                                                        
  2. Place the lower layer on the surface where you will be assembling the cake, with the cut side up and douse the cake surface with half the syrup, save the rest for the other half layer.                             
  3. Divide the whipped cream into 2-3 portions. Mound about half of the whipped cream in the center of the layer and using an icing spatula or a knife, spread it to the edge. Arrange the pieces of pineapple over the cream, reserving a few to decorate the top at later stages.                                                      
  4. Flip the other layer over onto the filling, cut side up. Brush the top layer with the remaining pineapple/sugar syrup. Spread the remaining whipped cream evenly over the top layer and around the cake(normally good quality whipped cream once beaten forms stiff peaks which must not fall for at least 2-3hours but if yours is melting do not forget to refrigerate the remaining immediately after you take the desired amount required to work on. 
  5. Decorate the cake with the reserved pieces of pineapple in the pattern you wish to.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
  6. Refrigerate immediately for at least 6-8 hours or overnight if the flavors marry and blend well with each other,decorate with the pineapple pieces and remaining whipped cream as frosting, go ahead you can use a piping/Icing bag and do loads of swirly patterns, but i swear i am no pro, like most of my fellow blogger friends and can't even hold the icing bag properly, i'm sure you'd have noticed how I've struggled....well not exactly struggled, i'd rather say played in and juggled out patterns...well i guess it's a part of learning to be creative..;)  with icing.   
  7. Serve Chilled and Enjoy..!!                                                                       



  1. Tina Saj: show details 6:30 PM (9 minutes ago)September 14, 2011 at 7:45 AM


    Belated wishes to the little one!!!...May she blessed with all things happy and wonderful in life...

    Nice to see your blog...very good...i was just wanting you to check this site too...they ahve very good recipes too...i have tried most of them and its very good...


    Kisses to the little one

  2. Shruthi...this looks YUMMY....I am def going to try it...too many girls from cluny posting recipes of pineapple fresh cream to make it at home soon :)
    How is everything else at ur end?

    Take care

    Sushmitha to me : show details 6:23 PM (22 minutes ago)

  3. @Tina: Thanks a ton..!!For your wishes as well as the birthday wishes,will definitely go through the website you have suggested...and revert...!!

    Once again, Thanks for dropping in..!!

  4. @Sush: This was definately give this one a try for sure..;P. and keep peeping in..!!

  5. Birthday wishes to the li'l angel from all of us too! Love pineapple pastry. You just wooed me into making one myself :P

  6. @Deepthi: Thanks a ton...your wishes mean a lot..!! Your a pro...need to learn a lot from yall...way to go deepti..;P..!!

  7. Mouthwatering here, what a terrific and super tempting....

  8. Hello Arshi,
    i wonder why the link is not working, n yes its the same recipe that you mentioned!! And yes i will re check the link n have it working soon!!
    Do give it a try n lemme know!!
    Thank n Regards


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