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5 Minute Eggless Microwave Wonder Chocolate Cup Cake

5 Minute Eggless Microwave Wonder Chocolate Cup Cake 

I'm sure it's not the first time we're hearing about a Microwave Cup google search and BAM you'll get thousands of results, but i got experimenting with Cottage Cheese (paneer) for the first time in a 5 minute Wonder Cup Cake..well i happened to see the recipe of a chocolate pound cake using paneer on a friends blog this got me all curious to see what would happen if i used cottage cheese / paneer instead of egg in the 5 minute microwave cake, the way it turned out...was aweeesomeee..!! i loved it..!! BELIEVE ME even my 2yr old just ate it as if she had'nt had food in years...saying "mama..AAA"...and opening her mouth for more until all that was in the cup was gone..into the little one go along and say Yumeey dum dum..and enjoy it...!!

Try this...and to make it yummier i dunked it in maple syrup (psst: if you wanna be a real Sinner...dunk it in warm chocolate sauce and Vanilla Ice Cream..i bettcha you'll love it..!!)..and i ate it without sharing even one single piece..i know that's REAL WICKED but can't get any better a SINNER when it come's to eating CHOCOLATE... !! Then i made the second cup and that's when the little one got her share...;P. 

Whew..You still need 5 Reasons to make up your mind..?? well here you go:
  1. It literally takes five minutes: The most Important reason being you can literally eat it in 5 minutes,no i'm not saying it takes 5 minutes to bake or microwave it but rather i'd say it takes just 5 minutes from the Kitchen(pantry) to table and into your tummy too...(psst: but don't blame me if it takes more than five minutes just because your accounting for the time to travel to the nearest grocery to pick up that perfect dark Chocolate or Cocoa)Microwave mug cakes provide instant gratification.In 5 minutes, you can go from "wanting a snack" "eating a snack".
  2. Ingredients Matter: You'll normally find almost all the ingredients lying about at home at any given time..And if your skeptical about your i am then you can make your recipe taste better unlike several recipe's which ask for vegetable oil i substituted it with butter(for richer taste) and i'd definitely go for pure rich dark chocolate instead of Cocoa, then it just gets even better...when you feel like you could even add in a dash of Cinnamon for that extra kick.. or more sin with chocolate chips...!!
  3. I call it Comfort eating ,or think about Being Selfish: When your STRESSED....just turn the stress around and spell it as DESSERTS and there you got another good reason to eat this happily and DE-STRESS..!! You really don't have to explain one single word to anyone,if your thinking it's SELFISH to bake just 1 single mug of "SIN"...well i'd say no... you could definitely sneak in a single mug into your evening snack or i'd say ask yourself if you deserve one for all that you do all day long..and go ahead make one for yourself!! 
  4. I don't fuss over serving and after all you are what you eat [from]: While I definitely appreciate great food styling and presentation while i dine, I also have a soft spot for homely comfort food, and when it comes  to comfort food, sometimes the messier the better. While it feels like more of communal digging for your share of fruit salad straight from the large bowl straight from your spoon, there is something really comforting and child-like about eating a cake from within your favourite mug, as you pull your knees together and lounge lazily on your couch,while you spoon your cake down your throat along with a hot piping mug of coffee or Ice cream.If a mug cake doesn't sound too fancy for your kitty party session with the local ladies, then you could always have yours served in dainty little teacups, but just ensure they're microwaveable...and wulla...your all good to go..!!
  5. It's Versatile: Listen to your heart,and let loose of your crazy cravings...with the add-in's from chocolate chips to marshmallows,to a warm chocolate sauce to even a scoop of ice cream ..just let yourself your heart and pig out..;P.
So here's passing my Sin's to all you people out there..!! Lets get going with the Recipe:

5 Minute Eggless Microwave Wonder Chocolate Cup Cake:
Adapted From : Sslt with variations of my own.

What goes Inside:
  • 4Tbsp: All Purpose Flour/Maida(for a healthier version try using whole wheat flour).
  • 3Tbsp: Sugar.
  • 1and 1/2Tbsp: Cocoa Powder(I used Hershey's).
  • 5Tbsp: Milk.
  • 3Tbsp: Cottage Cheese/Paneer(Pureed with 2Tbsp of milk of 5Tbsp)[for a mug cake with egg just add 1 egg and omit the paneer/cottage cheese].
  • 3Tbsp: Butter @ Room Temperature(you can also use 3 Tbsp Olive or any Oil of your choice, for a low fat version).
  • 1Tsp: Vanilla Essence[for a version with flavorings of your choice you can use a dash of cinnamon or any flavor of your choice].
  • 1Pinch: Salt.

How to Put them In together:
  • Combine all the dry ingredients (except the sugar) together in a small bowl and sieve well 2-3 times, to acquire a homogeneous mixture.
  • Puree the Cottage Cheese / paneer in a mixer using 2 Tbsp of milk of the 5 Tbsp which is required in the recipe.
  • Mix the Cottage Cheese/paneer,Vanilla essence,Sugar,Butter and cream well.
  • Mix the dry and wet ingredients together to acquire the correct dropping consistency as required for the cake(If required you could add a little more milk to acquire the correct consistency,remember the mix must not be runny also, it should just be able to drop well).
  • Grease the microwaveable cup in which you will be baking the cake and pour the readied mixture in it.
  • Place the Cup in the Microwave for 1Minute and 30 secs @ Medium power and another 30secs @ High Power(My microwave's Power is 800w) Time yours according to the power of your microwave.
  • After 2 Minutes open the microwave and do the toothpick test, if it comes out lightly gooey in the center when compared to the sides which under normal circumstances would be clean, just place it back in the microwave and allow it another 1 or 2 minutes standing/cooling time, even after the microwave has been switched off there is enough heat for a minute or two to let the mixture cook completely in the center unless there is something wrong or you need to microwave it for another 20-30 seconds.
  • Dig in to your cup/mug and devour the most moist and yummylicious cup/mug cake and lick the cup out clean for complete chocolate satisfaction, You could also indulge in further sinning by pouring hot or warm chocolate sauce or maple syrup, or even some Vanilla or Butterscotch Ice cream of your choice...and i don't need to speak more i guess.
  • Ps: The cake rises in the beginning and sinks in by the time it's completely don't worry about the looks of it...just dunk into pure chocolate 5 minute Nivarna.
I'm linking this to Valli's 365 days of Microwave Cooking! | Cooking 4 all Seasons..;P.


  1. Yummy treat in minutes:)... loving every bit of it..

  2. wow soooo soooo clever of u.....easy and less hassle..looking yum yum

  3. @Biny: Thanks girl give it a try and let me know..;P.

  4. @Reva:Thanks reva, yup just 5 minutes and you'll enjoy every second of the give it a try n let me know..!!

  5. What a hilarious post..loved it..I too can be selfish when it comes to chocolate :)
    Will make this out maybe tomorrow for my in the evening she always craves for something..have all the ingredients except paneer :( so will try this will condensed milk instead.

  6. Wow cake looks simply irresistible, absolutely marvellous..

  7. @Raji: Yup Condensed milk also should do well...except that paneer also adds to the texture,makes it more give it a try and let me know..;P Hope to hear from you more often..;P, keep in tch, ciao..;P


  9. itis very disappointing "I can see it but cant enjoy it"


  11. Hi there!
    I love this recipe. I not not too good with baking and so I like this simple and delicious cake with fav!Enjoyed browsing your recipes!

  12. @the mustard seed: Hi, Thanks a million for dropping by, yeah this one's a keeper, you must try it some too, am not a born baker but, still my heart refuses to let go of the "never say die"!! zeal...if you do try it do drop in a word..;P. Thanks again..;)

  13. hi
    i added Pepsi 2 tsp to mixture n it was more aerated too

  14. I'm going to try this sometime this weekend. My kids will love it I'm sure. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my hydrangea post. Good luck with yours.
    Breville Smart Oven

  15. would nestle chocolate milk mix work as a substitute for the cocoa powder?

    1. Hi there @ Anonymous: well I'd say the milk chocolate should be able to work, but I'm not too sure if its sweetened then how you'd want to adjust the sugar in the recipe, and how or would the texture change..?? But never the less I think it will be a good experiment..try it n let me know it it worked well...!!
      Thanks for dropping by, n would hv loved to know u by your name..thanks anyways..keep in touch..!!


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