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20 min Choco Almond - Cashew Secret Center Crumbly Cookies*Tried & Tested*

Absolutely delectable, pure melt in the mouth Chocolate coated crumbly cookies with Almond or Cashew surprises in their Secret Center's...;). 
Sometimes they remind me of the crumbly cookies we would get along with the how cup of freshly brewed Filter Kaapi we would often get i think in Indian Coffee House,Hotel Chalukya & Grand Ashoka way back in the early 1980's in the then Garden City " Namma very Own Bangalore" i miss my childhood, where dad and mum would take me out and as they would sip on their hot Strong Filter Kaapi i would loathe my self to some Awesome Cookie's.

Anyways coming back to 2011...I had a lot of cashew's and almonds lying at home and wanted to make something which would turn out real quick and perfect to the core since i was trying something like this with my lil daughter around, so i had to make it before she ran out of patience.

These turned out just sooo....perfect to my need more so they tasted just like "Walkers Shortbread Cookies"...Of course with a much needed twist which all of us food bloggers are always trying to add to our recipe' this one's got a hidden whole almond or cashew inside it and is dunked in chocolate on the outside!!

And how can i just forget the just so crumbly cookies with roasted Almonds and Cashew's Tossed right inside their secret center such that you would not even guess there is something inside, unless you take a bite..!! 
Well what more can i say...The best part of this cookie It's gonna be done and over in 20 min's flat..;) So what say guy's lets give it a go....Just what we all need in this quick moving save time..;).

Okay so let's get on with the easy peasy recipe...;)

What we need to put it together:
  • 9 Tbsp(about 125gms): Butter @ room temperature.
  • 2/3 cup(about 75gms): confectioners’ sugar/powdered sugar(i added about 1Tbsp more since i felt it was a little less sweeter, however it's your choice).
  • 1no: egg yolk.
  • 1Cup: All-purpose flour.
  • 1 pinch: salt.
  • 1/2 tsp: Vanilla essence.
  • 15nos:Whole toasted almonds with skin.
  • 15nos:Whole toasted cashews. 
  • 50gms:Dark chocolate, melted.

How to put it in together:
  1. Cream butter and sugar until light and creamy it just takes about 2-3 minutes. Beat in the egg yolk,vanilla essence and salt, cream until well combined.
  2. Add flour and mix until a dough is formed. Rest dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  3. Take a marble-sized dough (I used a melon scoop), flatten and wrap around the almond/cashew.
  4. Shape it into an oval cookie.
  5. Place on lined baking sheet and bake in preheated oven 350 f/180c for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Remove cookies to cool on cake racks, or take the baking tray out of the oven and allow it to cool outside  the oven i did this since i don't have a cooling rack.
  7. Melt chocolate in the microwave,or you could even put it in an oven safe bowl and leave it in while you preheat the oven..;) works just fine.
  8. Coat cookies with melted chocolate by dunking cookies in the melted chocolate and removing them with a fork and place on cake rack. 

And you will notice beautiful cracks on the top surface of the cookies sure sign to me they are done just purrrfectly and... Have them with a hot cup of coffee or tea or just drop them in your child's box as a snack....before you even realize these would have vanished into thin air..;) Enjoy..;)


  1. @Binny: Sure, Go ahead and just bake yourself this lovely treat...buut like you wish i wish i were around even some of my blogger friend's so i could pass these down to ye'all..;) Keep dropping in and leave me your valuable comments..while i bite into some crunchy cookies..;).

  2. Cookies looks simply addictive and damn pretty..

  3. Wow love this a lot and looks very very cute.

  4. @Pavithra: Thankyou give it a try and let me know..;)

  5. wow! sounds / looks so interesting & yummy!


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