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+Wheat flour / Atta Ladoos..:)

+Wheat flour / Atta Ladoos..:)

I have had besan ladoos when mum used to make them,but never ever thought I could make wheat ladoos in a similar manner! I thought this Diwali I need to do something out of my shell, I wanted it to be special as both my daughters were having their first conscious Diwali together!

Conscious as in an age where they both understand most of what is happening around and instructions such as 'be careful, stop, don't touch,etc!
I have often watched my mum making besan ladoos but had never tried them on my own! Well so finally when I did decide to try it on my own I wanted something more healthier! 

A healthier version would always be welcome to anyone and can't be anything but 'Wheat' instead of besan!

Adding to all this I even saw a very tempting pic from Raks kitchen which inspired me to try her dressing style, thanks for the lovely idea to tempt my kids n hubby. I think the saying that a bride always looks beautiful in her complete accessories and attire!

My hubby would not even try them on unless I told him what it's made of, so I decided something which could be healthy for him as well as my little ones!! 
They turned out to be so tasty that I got just 1 to taste( lucky was'nt I?). 
In the face of Various festivities like Diwali or so, you could easily make these and store them too! These can be made easily and also gift packed!

Atta(wheat flour) ladoo recipe:

Preparation Time: 15 mins    
Cooking time: 15 mins    
Serving size: 30 small ladoos

What goes inside:
  1. Wheat flour/ Atta: 2 Cups
  2. Powdered Sugar:1Cup (heaped)
  3. Ghee: 1/2 Cup
  4. Green Cardamoms /Elaichi: 8-10 nos
  5. Roasted Almonds: 6-8 nos

How to put them together:
  • Roast flour well on a low flame stirring continuously, when you get a nutty smell and see it is turning light pinkish taking care not to burn it. 
  • Powder sugar with the cardamom pods, you can store the excess in a container and use it later too!
  • Take a large bowl or plate and take the roasted wheat flour and powdered sugar in a mixing bowl. Melt ghee now add it to this and mix well.
  • Toast a few almonds on a pan and dry toast them! Crush them coarsely with a mortar and pestle.
  • Now take a shallow bowl with a tbsp of melted ghee and roughly crushed almonds and take it in another plate. Roll and shape the ladoos into tiny ball shape and dip(touch) the top part of the ladoos in ghee.Then the ghee dipped part into the crushed almonds.
  • This way it will stick to the ladoos,repeate the same process to finish, and place in tiny paper cup cake liners to look more beautiful and presentable.

  1. Stick to the measurements irrespective of what sized cup you use!
  2. You can increase / decrease the powdered sugar to suit your taste.
  3. You can skip the almonds part and add chopped toasted nuts and raisins of your choice, mix into the ladoos. ( fry them in ghee if you want a richer taste or if you want to feed them to your children or a lady who is lactating!)


  1. Beautifully done, who can resist to this wonderful atta laddoos.


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