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+Mango-Chocolate Marble( Love) Loaf Cake..;) Eggless & Butterless.;p *Tried&Tested*

Post Title:+Mango-Chocolate Marble Loaf Cake..;)Eggless & Butterless;P*Tried & Tested*

This month's HBC(Home Bakers Challenge) challenge was real fun hosted by Sangee Vijay Of Sipcy Treats,the fruit of the season mango n chocolate mania spread its wings and brought a whole lot of us under mere temptation to bake these goodies! And when these goodies are Eggless and Butterless i think i Sinned but a little less...;D.

Well i searched and searched for mango pulp...but did'nt manage to get it around where i lived..i was also damn lazy(yet desperate to gorge on the gorgeous stuff) to get dressed when all leave and push the stroller in 45deg hot summer of Dubai and try going even little farther than my building to get mango pulp...then...i managed to push some buttons on my phone to check with my local grocery...where he said in his hindi with a pakka south indian accent.."sory madam,Mango Pullp Nahim Hain...Parr Fresh Mango hain..aapko chahiye..?? Chalege kya??"..."Chalega lekar aao, abhi URGENTT" jumped that very second without my knowledge straight out of me...and that's how i ended up making my own mango pulp(home made..yes!!).

By now all lazyness had jumped outta my skin completely (out of sheer excitement)and i was all ready setting up and getting other things ready for the cake, and once the mango came home..there was no stopping untill the cake went into the oven..;). The Wait was worth It...Have a look for your selves..;).

Cooking Time: 55mins

Serves: 12 Slices(1 - 9" Loaf Cake)

What goes Inside: 

  • All Purpose flour 2 cups
  • Baking powder 1 and 1/2 tsp
  • Baking Soda 1/2 tsp
  • Salt 1/4 tsp
  • Sugar 3/4 cup
  • Cocoa Powder 1/4 cup ( I used Cadbury's coco powder,mix with 2 tbsp warm water)
  • Oil 5 tbsp(i used Olive oil)
  • Vanilla 1 tsp
  • Mango Pulp 1 cup ( i used Home Made Mango Pulp)
  • Milk 1/4 cup
  • Buttermilk 1/4 cup
How to put it together:
  1. Preheat oven to 350deg F/180deg C and Grease & line the pan with parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine sugar along with the wet ingredients first with oil then to this add mango pulp, milk,vanilla, buttermilk and mix well.
  3. In another small bowl, combine the dry ingredients: flour(ensure you sift the flour at least 3-4 times before you mix) , baking soda, baking powder,salt.
  4. Add this dry ingredients mixture to the wet ingredients mixture and fold in slowly and carefully until everything combines well without lumps.There is absolutely no need to beat!!
  5. Now take cocoa powder & 2-3 Tbsp warm water in a cup and mix well.Then divide the mango batter into two halves, in two separate bowls and add this cocoa paste to one of them and blend well.
  6. Once both your Mango batter & Chocolate batter are ready, its time to work your marble your cake, checker it or do what you feel.
  7. I did alternate layering of mango and chocolate in the greased and lined loaf pan and gave a marble effect on the top surface..;)..and the out come you can see..;P.Tap the pan gently to set the batter evenly, or release air bubbles if any which might make the surface crack..!!
  8. Put it in the oven for baking at 180 deg C for 55 mins, or until your toothpick test comes out clean..;).
  9. Allow it to cool on  a rack and its ready to gorge on..enjoy..;P.
  10. Your already playing with a deadly combo...and results are pretty much assured..!!

  • I did not use store bought sweetend mango pulp so i kept the sugar to 3/4th cup and it was perfect to me, if you use store bought u can reduce the sugar upto 1/2 cup.
  • This cake won't rise too much so u can fill upto 3/4 of the pan.
  • You can make a simple marble pattern by adding mango butter first then pour the chocolate batter and make swirls as you like, or you can go with any pattern of your own..;D.
  • You can also add chocolate chips, chopped nuts to this..;P.


  1. Your marble cake has come out perfect...loved the swirls

    1. Thanks first take on lucky...:)

  2. wow thats a perfectly made mango marble cake witha stunning pic dear :) Am your ne follower :) Do visit my space when you get time :)

    1. Thanks so much Manjula...will defntly visit ur space:)

  3. Marble cake looks fantastic and super moist..loving it.

  4. Hi shruti, thanks for adding you to your G+network... checking out ur space...
    we have many recipes in will eb nice to stay connected..:)
    your marble cake looks lovely...:)

  5. Hi, thanks for sharing butterless n eggless bakery stuff


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