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+Spinach n Rice (+Baby Food)..;)

Post Title: +Spinach n Rice/ Paalak Rice  (Baby Food)..;)

Cooking Time: 45 Mins
Serves: 1

What goes Inside: 

  • Fresh Spinach Leaves(i used fresh): 4-5 nos Medium sized.
  • Cooked Rice: 2-3 Tablespoons.
  • Salt: To Taste
  • Ghee/Clarified Butter: 1 Tsp.

How to put it together:

  • Boil 1 Cup of water in a small pan, once it begins to boil, take the pan off the heat.
  • Wash and sort the spinach leaves and break off the stem if it is too thick, or leave them as is.Now add these leaves to the hot water and close the lid and set aside for 2 mins.When you take it out after two minutes you will notice it would have turned into a nice bright green color, pretty attractive so much so that even you would be tempted to eat this.
  • Take a small mixer jar add the cooked rice i took 2-3 table spoons as that is the amount my lil one takes in one feed you could add or reduce the rice and spinach as per your baby's eating habit/requirement.
  • With a spoon carefully take the spinach leave out of the hot water and add to the mixer jar with rice, add salt and ghee, blend.
  • I blended it to a coarse grind since my child is now in her 9th month, and for the fussy eater that she is i found she ate this pretty happily. which only made me more happier..;)


  • Don't leave the spinach in the hot water for more than 2 minutes, remember to take them out in time or else it might lose the nutrients.
  • Ensure your rice must be well cooked.
  • you can use the water in which you blanched the spinach if you feel the rice n spinach ground is too thick to adjust the consistency to which your child is used to. 
  • Each child is an individual, do not compare your child to any other, as they are not born to those parents or family nor are they born with the same genes as them.
  • Take care of all the comfort levels of your child so she/he does not have too much of a problem adjusting his palettes to the new food. 
  • Don't be disheartened if your child does not take to the taste of a certain food instantly, i was once told by my pediatrician  some children take up to 20 attempts to begin liking something and eat it. My child eat this in the first attempt, but has not accepted formula milk so far, i have been trying to give her some for the past 1.5 months everyday 2 times, now after so many attempts last night she took about 30ml of it, my joy was multiplied 10 fold..;).


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