Post Title: Perfect Classic Sponge Cake (Butter-less & Baking Powder or Soda..;) Ever wondered what it would feel like to have a perfect classic sponge cake without any butter at all?? no butter can still be understood, almost everyone on blog-sphere is trying to do the same,...(;P cut down on Ahem let me clarify i plan to do no such thing, so what makes this recipe different from the others..?? just that this one needs none at all, but no baking powder and baking soda and the cake still rises perfectly well and turns out perfectly spongy..?? Nope..!! more to come this one is: *Tried,Tested & Vouched* for I've tried and tested and can vouch for this one as many times as you ask me to..!! And that is a bet..!! Is this for Real..?? Well a few years back even i wondered the same when i stumbled upon this recipe from my baking book: Essentials of Baking,by Williams-Sonoma, today it is my bible for baking...
What's up muggles!!! I'm a Muggle Mommy of two Harry Potter addicts. Let's Chat up, share, say what you feel and think, we can speak about just anything we feel, hear or want to say or do, also somewhere at times I share Generations of simple recipes passed down to me with load's of secret's within...;) Thanks for stopping by. Lots of Love, The Muggle Mommy