First of all "A very happy new year to One & All" (I guess it's better late than never...What say..??). A post that I've been waiting to Blog/Write since 2010...where Just another day in my life suddenly turned..into my first "Most beautiful day of my life...;)". My mobile went abuzzzzz....all of a sudden notifying me of a message on google talk....and what message did i was from an old school friend and now a closer friend on blogsphere....yes it was Madhuri from "CCN FAME "She had messaged me of an "Award" she had passed over to me...: I was left in awe...a feeling of disbelief...,I was in a total state of shock,overwhelmed with a total joy,completely overjoyed... and i had often seen awards on the blog's of other blogger friends but never had i received one for myself...Yipeeee...!!! should i dance..??? should i jump..???.should i call out to all and say i had received an award...???? As if anyone cared i had re...
What's up muggles!!! I'm a Muggle Mommy of two Harry Potter addicts. Let's Chat up, share, say what you feel and think, we can speak about just anything we feel, hear or want to say or do, also somewhere at times I share Generations of simple recipes passed down to me with load's of secret's within...;) Thanks for stopping by. Lots of Love, The Muggle Mommy